Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Recover From Dengue Fever

      The natural Vitamin C

Roselle is a flowering plant used ot grow in both tropical and subtropical regions. The swollen red calyces of plant contain rich amount of vitamin C and minerals such as zinc,calcium and magnesium.
      DXN Roselle Tablet FDA Reg. No.:FR-62585
        DXN Roselle Juice FDA Reg. No.: FR-36663

Benefits of Roselle Plant
  • Rich in Vitamin C which is necessary to keep your immune system strong, promotes healthy gums and beautify your skin complexion.
  • Contains many types of amino acids and nutrients such as protein,carbohydrate,iron,calcium which are very important to our body.
  • Helps reduce fever and soothes cold.
  • Helps reduce body fat,cholesterol,high blood pressure and diabetes.
DXN Roselle Tablet

Grab the natural goodness of Roselle in a convenient way with DXN Roselle Tablet.
Recommended use: Take 2 tablets after meal.

DXN Roselle Juice
Roselle Juice is specially made from the exact of Roselle calyces. Research shows that Roselle Juice is a healthy alternative to soda (soft drink) and has a dominant market in some parts of the world including Philippines.

Roselle Juice is a healthy refreshment suitable for all.

Mixing Direction: Mix two (2) tablespoons of Roselle Juice in a glass of water. Add more if desired depending on the taste.

   100% Andrographis Paniculata

DXN Andro-G is atraditional herbal food used mainly to reduce body heat,which contains 100% pure Andrographis paniculata, an important herb used in traditional medicine for its cooling properties.

Benefits of Andrographis paniculata
  • Anti-inflamatory (reduce swelling)
  • Antibacterial (fights bacterial activity)
  • Antipyretic (fever reducer)
  • Antiperiodic (counteracts periodic/intermittent diseases,)
  • Antithrombotic(blood clot preventative)
  • Antiviral (inhibits viral activity)
  • Cancerolytic (fights,even kills,cancer cells)
  • Cardioprotective (protects heart muscles)
  • Chloleteric (stimulates production of bile which aides the process of digestion of lipids)
  • Depurative (cleans and purifies the system,particularly the blood)
  • Digestive (promotes digestion)
  • Expectorant (promotes mucus discharge from the respiratory system)
  • Hepatoprotective (promotes the liver and gall bladder)
  • Hypoglycemic (blood sugar reducer)
  • Immune Enhancement (Increase white cell phaocytosis,inhibits HIV-1 replication,and improves CD4+and T lymphocyte counts)
  • Laxative (aids bowel elimination)
  • Sedative (a relaxing herb)
  • Vermicidal (kills intestinal worms)
       Andrograhis paniculata, has been found to be as effective as silymarin (active compound in milk thistle) in protecting the liver.
(Source: http://www.altcancer.com/andcan.htm)

Recommended use: Take 2 to 3 capsules per day.
DXN Andro-G   FDA Reg. No.:FR-47747

             100% Pure Alkaline, World's Nutritious Food

Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae which is full of life-giving nutrients such as protein,beta carotene,chlorophyll, vitamin B complex,minerals,essential fatty acids and other important nutrients that our body needs.

Benefits of Spirulina
  • Helps change weak acidic body condition to a healthy alkaline one.
  • Contains all major nutrients for optimum body performance.
  • Rich in chlorophyll- a pigment that helps in better blood circulation.
DXN Spirulina Tablet
DXN Spirulina Tablet is 100% alkaline food which helps regulate the acid-alkaline (pH) of the body. It is naturally cultivated using selected best species in a clean pond and no pesticides or herbicides are applied.

Recommended use: Take 6 tablets a day.
DXN Spirulina Tablet FDA Reg. No.: FR-35225

How to Prevent Dengue Fever 
  • Avoid mosquito bites by using mosquito repellents on skin and clothing.
  • When outdoors,wear protective clothing like long-sleeved skirts,long pants,socks and shoes.
  • When indoors,stay in air-conditioned or screened areas, and always keep the door closed.
  • Use bednets if sleeping areas are not screened or air-conditioned.
  • Eliminate mosquito breeding sites at home and workplaces. Do not store water in open containers and disregard items that can collect rain or runoff water,especially old tires.
  • Make sure to supplement your body with DXN Roselle Tablet and Roselle Juice, Andro-G and Spirulina.


source: dxnphil flyers

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