Hot to prevent these dreaded diseases?
Experts believe hat the stress caused by oxidants over long periods of time may cause many types of illnesses like, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, stroke,rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, and other dreaded diseases.
What is an oxidant?
It is an oxidizer; a substance that acts or is used as an oxidizing agent. (source:
Oxidation is the combination or interaction of oxygen with other substances. It involves series of complex electron transfer processes. Although oxidation is a normal body process, they can also be harmful for they can create free radicals that start chemical chain reactions that damage cells. Free radicals can undermine the immune system, which can lead to the development of many degenerative diseases. (To better understand these see OXIDATION OVERVIEW on next page)
What is a Free radical?
It is an atom or molecule that bears an unpaired electron and is extremely reactive,capable of engaging in rapid chain reactions that destabilize other molecules and generate many more free radicals:in the body, deactivated by antioxidants, uric acid, and certain enzyme activities. (Source:
It is an atom or molecule that bears an unpaired electron and is extremely reactive,capable of engaging in rapid chain reactions that destabilize other molecules and generate many more free radicals:in the body, deactivated by antioxidants, uric acid, and certain enzyme activities. (Source:
The following substances contain high level of oxidants:
Alcohol,antibiotics,caffeine,chemical,chlorine,cigarette smoke, cleaners,detergents, Electromagnetic field (physical field or force generated by electrically charged objects. Man-made sources:x-rays, electric blankets, hair dryers, televisions, radio,. mobile phones, microwave oven,computer, electronic iron, etc),emulsifiers,fluoride,fresh air sprays,insecticides, laundry products, magic sugar or artificial sweeteners,pollution, pesticides, preservatives, and salt or sodium-all contain toxic chemicals that can cause extensive damage to DNA, protein, and lipid.
Although all these substances can be useful in some way, too much exposure to any of them result in oxidation reactions that produce free radicals.
How to deal with oxidants?
Living organisms maintain complex network of antioxidants that prevent oxidative damage to vital components of cells. However, since oxidation plays an important role in life, the function of antioxidant system is not completely eliminate oxidants, but to keep them at a proper level, instead.
What are antioxidants?
Antioxidants are substances that control the effects of oxidants and counteract the formation of free radicals. Naturally, when our body cells use oxygen they create free radicals. Antioxidants prevent oxidative reactions by scavenging free radicals before they can damage vital components of the cell. Antioxidants may also help stregthen our immune system and therefore lower the risk of cancer and other deadly diseases.
What are the most commonly known antioxidants?
The main antioxidants are: vitamins A (Carrots, tomatoes, squash , sweet potatoes and other bright-colored fruits and vegetables); vitamins C (Oranges, lemon,green peppers, broccoli, and green leafy vegetables); vitamins E (Nuts & seeds, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, vegetable oil and liver oil) and minerals (Zinc and Selenium). These are found in sources such as fish, shellfish, red meat, grains, eggs, chicken and garlic.
To neutralize free radicals, which can build up in cells and cause a lot of diseases as mentioned above, eat a lot of foods that are rich in antioxidants.
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