Sunday, November 13, 2011

Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 5

"Diagnosed as having a chronic kidney disease stage 5, I underwent a hemodialysis sessions on January 2010. Dialysis is considered as a holding measure until a kidney transplant can be performed. But taking the DXN products (RG/GL, Spirulina, Cordyceps, Roselle Juice, adn Spica Tea) completely freed me from the bondage of my illness"-DR. Cathy Beldia

Written by Rustum "JOJO" B. Alcuezar
from DXN Good Morning Magazine Jan-April 2011

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

All her friends thought she was pregnant. It's disturbing, though, for she knew that's not the case. But her friends have reasons to think so for her stomach has stuck out more than usual and her periods stopped for several months.

Angelina Arellano Reyes is suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)! It affects 10% of women. It seems to be related to an imbalance in a woman's hormones. Genetics may be a factor or excess fat; no one knows the exact cause of this syndrome.
PCOS is characterized by enlarged ovaries that contain numerous tiny cysts and an abnormally large number of follicles surrounding each ovary. 

The ovaries are a pair of female reproductive organs where a woman's hormones (estrogen and progesterone); male's hormone (androgen); and eggs are produced. the ovaries contain tiny fluid-filled sac called follicles where eggs develop. As the egg matures the follicle breaks open allowing the egg to travel through the fallopian tube to the uterus for fertilization. This is called ovulation.

A woman suffering from PCOS doesn't have, in her ovaries, enough hormones it needs for an egg to fully mature;hence ovulation can't be achieved. Instead of creating female hormone progesterone her ovary is producing higher than normal amounts of male hormone androgens,which interfere with egg development. Cystes build up in the ovaries and may become enlarged. This results to a woman's irregular or abnormal menstrual cycle.

If not treated properly PCOS can put a woman at risk for lots of problems; like, infertility, heart disease, high blood pressure,excessive hair growth,acne,obesity,diabetes, abnormal bleeding from the uterus, and even cancer.

Angelina's doctor advised her to take pills for the regulation of her menstrual cycle and hormone androgen for 6 months. She also took pills that are intended for women experiencing irregular duration of cycles and irregular occurrence and duration of periods caused by progesterone deficiency. But Angelina suffered nausea,vomiting, headache,and rashes as a result of taking all those prescribed medicines;thus she decided to stop taking them.

On April 15, 2009 Jennifer Oliver invited Angelina to visit DXN Service Center in Balibago, Sta Rosa, Laguna. Jennifer introduced Angelina to a certain Tita Gawala who offered the DXN all natural products: RG/GL, Spirulina tablets, Spirulina Cereal, Roselle Juice, and Spica tea. Angelina was at first skeptical and at the same time afraid to try another regimen. But Tita Gawala was persistent and confident herself of the DXN products that she finally convinced Angelina to try.

After several months, Angelina found out that the product combination is effective. She lost 14 pounds and experienced improvement on her menstrual cycle. Her goiter which was discovered through medical examination has also gone.

So with her seemingly endless suffering now all gone, Angelina is grateful to God and to the DXN Founder Dato' Dr. Lim Siow Jin for giving her the DXN. And as if it were an additional bonus, aside from her recovery, she is now reaping the financial rewards from being an independent distributor by sharing DXN to every people she met. 
Souce: Good Morning Magazine Jan-Ap 2011 issue

Friday, November 11, 2011

What The UN Says About Spirulina




What the UN Says About Spirulina:
  • "There is need for both national governments and intergovernmental organizations to re-evaluate the potential of Spirulina to fulfill both their own food security needs as well as a tool for their overseas development emergency response efforts." 
      -The UN-Food and  Agriculture Organization (FAO) Report on Spirulina 2008
  • "For WHO, Spirulina represents an interesting food for multiple reasons,rich in iron and protein, and is able to be administered to children without any risk. We at WHO consider it a very suitable food."
      -United Nations World Health Organization (WHO),Geneva, Switzerland June 8, 1993.
  • Spirulina-was declared by the United Nations World Food Conference of 1974 as the best food for the future.

IIMSAM - Benefits of Spirulina 

Each day around forty thousand children die because of severe malnutrition and related diseases across the world. Malnutrition dis empowers and effects the lives of around 852 million people globally in a drastic way. According to the united Nations World Health Organization (WHO: 1996), more than the starvation the real challenge today is malnutrition-the deficiency of micro nutrients (vitamins,minerals, and essential amino acids) that no longer allows the body to ensure growth and maintain its vital functions.

Malnutrition severely diminishes the human capital of a country and its multifarious impacts hinder the universal achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. Developing countries are especially vulnerable to this easily avoidable catastrophe.

Spirulina offers remarkable health benefits to an undernourished person. It is rich in beta carotene that can overcome eye problems caused by Vitamin A deficiency. The protein and B-vitamin complex makes a major nutritional improvement in an infant's diet. It is the only food source,excepts for 'milk, containing substantial amounts of an essential fatty acid GLA that helps regulate the entire hormone system.

One tablespoon a day can eliminate iron anemia, the most common mineral deficiency. Spirulina is the most digestible protein food, especially important for malnourished people whose intestines can no longer absorb nutrients effectively. Clinical studies have shown it helps rebuild healthy intestinal flora. These health benefits have made it an excellent food for rapid recovery of children from malnutrition related diseases in Mexico, Togo, Romania, China, Rwanda, Zaire, India, Ukraine and Belarus.

Spirulina is being produced in more than 22 countries and used in over 77 countries
for multiple reasons, and it is able to be administered to children without risk. Other proposed uses of Spirulina are for cancer prevention, fibromyalgia, hay fever, herpes infection, high cholesterol, hives HIV infection, liver protection, weight loss.

 Advantages of Spirulina
  • Spirulina does not need fertile land for cultivation  and  therefore conserves fertile land and soil. It has over 60% protein that is higher than any other food besides benefits of rapid growth and higher yield.
  • Spirulina requries less energy input per kilo than soy,corn or bovine protein. As cheap energy sources are depeted, costs of energy dependent foods will rise up with energy prices.
  • Spirulina uses less water per kilo of protein than other foods as the water is recycled back to the ponds after harvesting.
  • Spirulina is a big oxygen producer that is even more efficient than trees and forests to absorb Carbon dioxide and release oxygen.
  • Spirulina production uses non-fertile land and brackish water and is a potent remedy to deforestation to cultivate food. As people eat a lower on the food chain, the pressures to destroy wilderness can be halted and help re-green our planet. 
  • Spirulina has no externalized hidden costs interms of depletion of fresh water, fertile top soil and forest, pollution from pesticides,herbicides, and toxins. No long term medical costs from unhealthy foods with chemical additives.
"For WHO,Spirulina represents an interesting food for multiply reasons, rich in iron and protein, and is able to be administered to children without any risk. We at WHO consider it very suitable food"-United Nations World Health Organization(WHO), Geneva, Switzerland June 8th 1993

Composition of Spirulina

* includes cystine, Tbale from Busson, F., Spirulina Platensis (GOM) geitler et. Spirulina geitleri, J. Dr. Toni, Cynophycees Alimentaries,Armee Francaise, Service de Sante,Parc de Pharo, Marseill,1971

Carvohydrates, Lipids, and Vitamins;Source-SOSA TEXCOCO,Mexico

  • Spirulina-natural sorbent of radionucleides.
           by L.P Loseva and I.V Dardynkaya. Sep 1993.Research  Institute of Radiation Medicine, Mink, Belarus. 6th
           Int'l Congress of Applied Algology, Czech Republic Belarus.

Spirulina, a natural food supplement, reduced urine radioactivity levels by 50% in only 20 days. This result was achieved after  giving 5 grams a day to children at the Institute of Radiation Medicine in Minsk, Belarus.The Institute has developed a program to treat 100 childrenevery 20 days. This 1993 report confirms 1990-91 research on the beneficial health effects of spirulina on children with radiation sickness. It concludes: "Use of spirulina decreases radio action dose load received from food contaminated with  radionuclides, Cesium-137 and Strotium-90. Spiruina is favorable for normalizing the adaptive potential of children's bodies in conditions of long-lived low dose radiation."

  • Spirulina platensis and specialties to support detoxifying pollutants and to strengthen the immune system.
          by L.P. Loseva, Sep 1999. Research Institute of Radiation Medicine, Minsk, Belarus. 8th Int'l Congress of Applied, Italy. Belarus

Main purpose of the study is researching the influence of spirulina platensis on the immune system on normalization of peroxide lipid oxidation and anti-oxidant activity, also on the content of long-life radionucleides. In the studies were involved children and teenagers residing in the areas with radiant pollution and people injured by the Chernobyl catastrophe. To achieve desirable results with spirulina it is recommended to take it during 3 months and if not continued, this course should be repeated in half a year again. Possible therapeutic mechanisms: a) the natural combination of nutrients supports the formations of non-absorbable complexes of radionucleides through analogues such as calcium,potassium,etc., and promotes their excretion. b)the general intake of easily digestible micro and macro elements of spirulina has a positive influence on many functions of the immune system.

  • Spirulina in Jiangxi China. by Miao Jian Ren. 1987. Academy of Agricultural Science. Presented at Soc. Appl. Algology, Lille France Sep 1987. China
In Nanjing Childrens Hospital, 27 children, 2-6 years old, recovered in short period from bad appetite, night sweats, diarrhea and constipation from a baby nourishing formula containing 1.5g spirulina, 12g baked barley sprout, Vitamins B1 and Zinc. The clinical effects showed spirulina is a genuine healthfood for children.

  • The study on curative effect of zinc containing spirulina for zinc deficient children.
          by Wen Younghuang,et al. 1994. Capital Mecial College,Beijing. Presented at 5th Int'l Phycological
          Congress,Qingdao,June 1994.China.

Spirulina with a high zinc content may be twice as effective as zinc supplement in curing zinc deficiency in children. The effective dose of zinc from spirulina was 2 to 4 times less than the zinc from a common supplement,zinc sulfate. More than two times the children were cured with high zinc spirulina. One hundred children were diagnosed as suffering from zinc deficiency. For a three month period, 50 children were given zinc sulfate and 50 were given spirulina tablets. Doctors concluded spirulina's effect was much better than zinc sulfate. Spirulina had no side effect and was easy to administer for long periods of time. they theorized that high zinc spirulina had many bioactive and nutritious substances which mineral absorption, general health and the immune system.

Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Effectiveness of spirulina algae as food for children with protein-energy malnutrition in a tropical environment. by P. Bucaille.1990. University Paul ,Toulouse,France. Oct.1990.Zaire.(in French)
  • Clinical and biochemical evaluations of spirulina with regard to its application in the treatment of obesity. by E.W. Becker,et al. 1986. Inst. Chem. Pfanz. Pub. in Nutrition reports Int'l Vol. 33, No. 4, pg 565. Germany.
  • Evaluation of chemoprevention of oral caner with spirulina. by Babu, M et al. 1995. Pub. in Nutrition and Cancer, Vol. 24, No. 2, 197-201 India.
The blue-green microalgae spirulina, used in daily diets of natives in Africa and America,has been found to be rich natural source of proteins,carotenoids and  other micronutrients. Experimental studies in animal models have demonstrated and inhibitory effect of spirulina algae on oral carcinogenesis. Studies among preschool children in India have demonstrated spirulina fusiformis to be an effective source of dietary  vitamin A. We evaluated the chemoproventative activity of spirulina (1g/day for 12 months) in reversing oral leukoplakia in pan tobacco chewers in Kerala, India. Complete regression of lesions was observed in 20 of 44 (45%) evaluable subjects supplemented with spirulina, as opposed to 3 of 43 (7%) in the placebo arm. When stratified by type of leukoplakia, the response was more pronounced in homogeneous lesions: complete regression was seen in 16 of 28 (57%) subjects with homogeneous leukoplakia, 2 of 8 with erythroplakia, 2 of 4 with verrucous leukoplakia, and 0 of 4 with ulcerated and nodular lesions. Within one year of discountuing supplents, 9 of 20 (45%) complete respondents with spirulina developed  recurrent lesions. Supplementation with spirulina did not increase serum concentrations of retinal or beta carotene, nor was it associated with toxicity. This is first human study evaluating the chemopreventive potential of spirulina. More studies in different settings and different populations are needed for further evaluations.

  • Bioavailability of spirulina carotenes in preschool children.
          by V. Annapurna, et al. 1991. National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad, India.
          J. Clin. Biochem Nutrition. 10 145-151. India.

The bio availability of total carotenes and beta carotene from spirulina was examined in apparently healthy preschool children children and found to be comparable to those values reported for other plant sources like leafy vegetables and carrots. The study also showed spirulina is a good source of Vitamin A, as there was a significant increase  in serum retinol levels. Researches concluded spirulina can be used as a source of Vitamin A in the diet, is relatively inexpensive, has higher beta carotene than any other plant source and can be cultivated throughout the year.

  • Large scale nutritional supplementation with spirulina algae.
          by C.V. Seshadri. 1993. All india Coordinated Project on Spirulina.
          Shri Amm Murugappa Chettiar Researcher Center (MCRC) Madras, India.

A one year feeding program with 5,000 pre school children showed a symptom of Vitamin A deficiency, "Bitot's spot", decreased from 80% to 10%. These rural children near Madras consumed 1 gram of spirulina a day for at least 150 days.This small amount provided the daily requirement of beta carotene (Vitamin A) which can help prevent blindness and eye diseases. In another study with 400 school children, a daily dose of beta carotene from spirulina increased their Vitamin A status to the same level as those administered pure Vitamin A. Spirulina was given to children in a unique way: extruded noodles,sweetened with sugar to preserve the beta carotene.  Called "Spiru-Om", it was well accepted by the children. This project was sponsored by the Indian Government.

  • Clinical experiences of administration of spirulina to patients with hupochronic T. takeuchi, et al. 1978. Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ. Japan.
Eight woman had been limiting their meals to stay thin and were showing hypochronic anemia-lower than normal blood hemoglobin content. They took four grams of spirulina after each meal. After 30 days blood hemoglobin content. They look four grams of spirulina after meal. After 30 days blood hemoglobin content increased 21% from 10.9 to 13.2 , a satisfactory level, no longer considered anemic.

  • Cholesterol lowering  effect of spirulina. by N. Nayaka, et al. 1988. Tokai Univ. Pub. in Nutrition Reports Int'l, Vol. 37, No. 6, 1329-1337 Japan.
Thirty healthy men with high cholesterol, mild hypertension and hyperlipidemia  showed lower serum cholesterol, triglyceride and LDL (undesirable fat) level after eating spirulina for eight weeks. These mean did not change their diet, except adding spirulina. No adverse effects were noted. Group A consumed 4.2 grams daily for eight weeks. Total serum cholesterol dropped a significant 4.5 % within 4 weeks from 244 to 233. Group B consumed spirulina for four weeks, then stopped. Serum cholesterol level decreased, then returned to the initial level. Researchers concluded spirulina did lower serum cholesterol and was likely to have a favorable effect on alleviating heart disease since the artreriocelosis index improved.

  • Influence of extensive tarining on the number of erythcytes and hemoglobin level ans its correction.
          by. Z. Trojacanec et al. 1998. Institute for Medical, Experimental and Applied Physiology, Faculty of
          Medicine, Skopje, Macedonia. Pub in XXIV FIMS World Congress of SPorts Medicine, June 1998.

Extensive training processed are very often followed by changes in blood composition. There is evidence of the high correlation between the training rate and intensity of exercise and the athlete;s hipochromy. In athletes we found a characteristics non-anemic iron deficit. Our goal was to monitor the hematological parameters in athletes with hipochromy and to examine the period of correction using iron supplementation.  20 male and 20 female athletes ages 18-22 years took part in the study. Blood samples were collected and the total number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin,serum iron and the staining index were calculated. All athletes received Earth rise Spirulina tablets, containing 1.5 mg Fe2+, 3 times a day for 2 months. Monitoring was done for 3 months. Significant changes were found in the female group for hemoglobin level, as well as increase of the serum iron and staining index. Distinct rise of serum iron was observed in both male and female athletes. The clinical sysptoms such as exhaustion, muscle fatigue and somnolence disappeared after the correction of the iron deficit. Addition of Spirulina improves the prevention of non-anemic iron deficiency in athletes especially females. Improvement of the iron reserves is a simple dietary modification that can optimize athletes health and physical capacity.

  • Clinical expermintation with spirulina.
           byR. Ramos Galvan. 1973. National Institute of Nutrition, Mexico City, Mexico (in Spanish).


Observations on the utilization of spirulina as an nutritive factor in treating some diseases accompanied by a nutritional defiency. By V. Fice, et al. 1984. Clinica II Medicala, Spitalui, Clinic, Bucuresti. Med. Interna 36 (3). Romania. (In Romanian).

Spirulina tablets were given to 21 patients with various nutritional deficiencies. they had suffered weight loss in conjunction with gastric resection, tubercular infection, chronic pamcreatitis and gastritis, rheumatoid arthritis,anemia and diabetes mellitus. With spirulina the patients gained weight and their protein grams improved.


  • Means to normalize the levels of immunoglobulin E, using the food supplement Spirulina. by L. Evets, et al. 1994. Grodenski state Medical Univ. Russian Federation Committee of Patents and trade. Patent (19) RU (11) 2005486. Jan 15, 1994. Russia.
Immoglobulin E (lgE) of children living in higly radioactive areas is greatly above normal. Studies with 270 children show that consuming about 5 grams per day of spirulina tbalets normalized lgE within 6 weeks. Children not consuming spirulina did not change lhE levels. No side effects were observed. Spirulina lowers the amount of lgE in the blood, which in turn normalizes and reduce allergies.

Ten Spirulina centers of ten hectares each, can produce over 360 million Spirulina doses annually, comprising 10 grams of Spirulina per dose, to be mixed with cereal(s) flour, that can recuperate and save lives of over six million people a year.


The most complete food source in the world is Spirulina

What is Spirulina?
     Spirulina is a spiral shaped algae that can be found both in sea and in fresh water. It is cultivated around the world and is used as a human dietary supplement, as well as a whole food.

History of Spirulina use
     For centuries this blue-green algae has constituted a significant part of the diet of many people. Spirulina has been widely used as a food supplement in some countries. The Aztecs (the wandering Native American tribe who came to Mexico during the 13th century), Kenembus people of Lake Chad region of Africa, the people of Chine, Japan, Asia, United States and of Europe commonly used Spirulina as their regular diet and as food supplement.

Why choose DXN Spirulina?
     High temperature,moisture or pollution can greatly affect Spirulina's potency for it easily absorbs nutrients fro surrounding or water grows in. Once cultivated in polluted waters, SPirulina is no longer suitable for human consumption, DXN products are processed in accordance with the highest standards- a process that carefully considers appropriate plant cultivation, proper processing, and optimal concentrations. DXN is committed in placing top priority on environmentally-friendly practices and human health in every stage of production.

Spirulina as a complete food source
     Spirulina contains 5 MAJOR NUTRIENTS (Protein, Lipids, Carbohydrates, Vitamins, and Minerals); 4 VITAL NATURAL PIGMENTS; and as a 100% alkalinity. According to Dr. Ragner Berg of United States: In order to stay healthy, it is important that our daily meals provide the proper proportion of 80% ALKALINE FOODS (fruits, vegetables, milk,  egg white, algae, etc.) and 20% of ACIDIC FOODS (meat, egg yolk, seafoods, grains, etc.) By using Spirulina all these requirements can easily be achieved.

source: DXN flyers

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Cancer,Diabetes, Heart Attact and Stroke

Hot to prevent these dreaded diseases?

   Experts believe hat the stress caused by oxidants over long periods of time may cause many types of illnesses like, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, stroke,rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, and other dreaded diseases.

What is an oxidant?
   It is an oxidizer; a substance that acts or is used as an oxidizing agent. (source:

     Oxidation is the combination or interaction of oxygen with other substances. It involves series of complex electron transfer processes. Although oxidation is a normal body process, they can also be harmful for they can create free radicals that start chemical chain reactions that damage cells. Free radicals can undermine the immune system, which can lead to the development of many degenerative diseases. (To better understand these see OXIDATION OVERVIEW on next page)

What is a Free radical?
   It is an atom or molecule that bears an unpaired electron and is extremely reactive,capable of  engaging in rapid chain reactions that destabilize other molecules and generate many more free radicals:in the body, deactivated by antioxidants, uric acid, and certain enzyme activities. (Source:

The following substances contain high level of oxidants:
   Alcohol,antibiotics,caffeine,chemical,chlorine,cigarette smoke, cleaners,detergents, Electromagnetic field (physical field or force generated by electrically charged objects. Man-made sources:x-rays, electric blankets, hair dryers, televisions, radio,. mobile phones, microwave oven,computer, electronic iron, etc),emulsifiers,fluoride,fresh air sprays,insecticides, laundry products, magic sugar or artificial sweeteners,pollution, pesticides, preservatives, and salt or sodium-all contain toxic chemicals that can cause extensive damage to DNA, protein, and lipid.

   Although all these substances can be useful in some way, too much exposure to any of them result in oxidation reactions that produce free radicals.

How to deal with oxidants?

    Living organisms maintain complex network of antioxidants that prevent oxidative damage to vital components of cells. However, since oxidation plays an important role in life, the function of antioxidant system is not completely eliminate oxidants, but to keep them at a proper level, instead.

What are antioxidants?

   Antioxidants are substances that control the effects of oxidants and counteract the formation of free radicals. Naturally, when our body cells use oxygen they create free radicals. Antioxidants prevent oxidative reactions by scavenging free radicals before they can damage vital components of the cell. Antioxidants may also help stregthen our immune system and therefore lower the risk of cancer and other deadly diseases.

What are the most commonly known antioxidants?
   The main antioxidants are: vitamins A (Carrots, tomatoes, squash , sweet potatoes and other bright-colored fruits and vegetables); vitamins C (Oranges, lemon,green peppers, broccoli, and green leafy vegetables); vitamins E (Nuts & seeds, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, vegetable oil and liver oil) and minerals (Zinc and Selenium). These are found in sources such as fish, shellfish, red meat, grains, eggs, chicken and garlic.

   To neutralize free radicals, which can build up in cells and cause a lot of diseases as mentioned above, eat a lot of foods that are rich in antioxidants.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Incomnia,Asthma,Coughs,Colds Worry no more!

           Whenever your feel the heat increase in your body temperature specially during unstable weather and  also you lack of apetite and feel very sleepy all day this tea is ready to do its Job. It has natural ingredients contaning Ganoderma Lucidum,Radix glycyrrhizae and other natural elements. Spica tea is mild and good for all ages and gender.

Recover From Dengue Fever

      The natural Vitamin C

Roselle is a flowering plant used ot grow in both tropical and subtropical regions. The swollen red calyces of plant contain rich amount of vitamin C and minerals such as zinc,calcium and magnesium.
      DXN Roselle Tablet FDA Reg. No.:FR-62585
        DXN Roselle Juice FDA Reg. No.: FR-36663

Benefits of Roselle Plant
  • Rich in Vitamin C which is necessary to keep your immune system strong, promotes healthy gums and beautify your skin complexion.
  • Contains many types of amino acids and nutrients such as protein,carbohydrate,iron,calcium which are very important to our body.
  • Helps reduce fever and soothes cold.
  • Helps reduce body fat,cholesterol,high blood pressure and diabetes.
DXN Roselle Tablet

Grab the natural goodness of Roselle in a convenient way with DXN Roselle Tablet.
Recommended use: Take 2 tablets after meal.

DXN Roselle Juice
Roselle Juice is specially made from the exact of Roselle calyces. Research shows that Roselle Juice is a healthy alternative to soda (soft drink) and has a dominant market in some parts of the world including Philippines.

Roselle Juice is a healthy refreshment suitable for all.

Mixing Direction: Mix two (2) tablespoons of Roselle Juice in a glass of water. Add more if desired depending on the taste.

   100% Andrographis Paniculata

DXN Andro-G is atraditional herbal food used mainly to reduce body heat,which contains 100% pure Andrographis paniculata, an important herb used in traditional medicine for its cooling properties.

Benefits of Andrographis paniculata
  • Anti-inflamatory (reduce swelling)
  • Antibacterial (fights bacterial activity)
  • Antipyretic (fever reducer)
  • Antiperiodic (counteracts periodic/intermittent diseases,)
  • Antithrombotic(blood clot preventative)
  • Antiviral (inhibits viral activity)
  • Cancerolytic (fights,even kills,cancer cells)
  • Cardioprotective (protects heart muscles)
  • Chloleteric (stimulates production of bile which aides the process of digestion of lipids)
  • Depurative (cleans and purifies the system,particularly the blood)
  • Digestive (promotes digestion)
  • Expectorant (promotes mucus discharge from the respiratory system)
  • Hepatoprotective (promotes the liver and gall bladder)
  • Hypoglycemic (blood sugar reducer)
  • Immune Enhancement (Increase white cell phaocytosis,inhibits HIV-1 replication,and improves CD4+and T lymphocyte counts)
  • Laxative (aids bowel elimination)
  • Sedative (a relaxing herb)
  • Vermicidal (kills intestinal worms)
       Andrograhis paniculata, has been found to be as effective as silymarin (active compound in milk thistle) in protecting the liver.

Recommended use: Take 2 to 3 capsules per day.
DXN Andro-G   FDA Reg. No.:FR-47747

             100% Pure Alkaline, World's Nutritious Food

Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae which is full of life-giving nutrients such as protein,beta carotene,chlorophyll, vitamin B complex,minerals,essential fatty acids and other important nutrients that our body needs.

Benefits of Spirulina
  • Helps change weak acidic body condition to a healthy alkaline one.
  • Contains all major nutrients for optimum body performance.
  • Rich in chlorophyll- a pigment that helps in better blood circulation.
DXN Spirulina Tablet
DXN Spirulina Tablet is 100% alkaline food which helps regulate the acid-alkaline (pH) of the body. It is naturally cultivated using selected best species in a clean pond and no pesticides or herbicides are applied.

Recommended use: Take 6 tablets a day.
DXN Spirulina Tablet FDA Reg. No.: FR-35225

How to Prevent Dengue Fever 
  • Avoid mosquito bites by using mosquito repellents on skin and clothing.
  • When outdoors,wear protective clothing like long-sleeved skirts,long pants,socks and shoes.
  • When indoors,stay in air-conditioned or screened areas, and always keep the door closed.
  • Use bednets if sleeping areas are not screened or air-conditioned.
  • Eliminate mosquito breeding sites at home and workplaces. Do not store water in open containers and disregard items that can collect rain or runoff water,especially old tires.
  • Make sure to supplement your body with DXN Roselle Tablet and Roselle Juice, Andro-G and Spirulina.


source: dxnphil flyers

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Bee Pollen A Day Makes My Eyesight Improve!

          Bee Pollen has been a highly regarded health food through the years. It is an excellent source of Vitamin B complex, beta carotene, minerals, amino acids, lecithin and enzymes.

          It is an effective supplement for those who are on diet or fasting. It contains lecithin that helps to break fats in body. Vitamin B complex in Bee Pollen also helps to increase cellular calories burning capacity. It is an instant energy booster that enhances alertness, relieves brain fatigue and improves physical performance.

         DXN Bee Pollen tablet is made from selected quality Bee Pollen without any chemical additives and preservatives. It is produced by Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certified factory, which employs advanced technology for processing to ensure all nutrients are well preserved. DXN Bee Pollen in tablet form makes it easy to consume anytime and anywhere.

          It was recently discovered that Bee Pollen can help your vision improve. It can also help you to get relief or recovered from snake bite.

Fluoride intake is Dangerous to your Health


          100% fluoride free, no saccharin and no artificial colouring. It contains high quality Ganoderma, food gel and menthol. It leaves a pleasant feeling in your mouth after using it.

        Ganozhi Toothpaste contains Ganoderma, Peppermint Oil, Menthol and food gel (sodium alginate - seaweed). Great for oral health yet can be used topically as an everyday salve. Has been used on age spots, skin cancers, warts, aching joints and other skin conditions. No Fluoride, artificial colour, flavour, sweetening or preservative. 

     Ganoderma, also known as Ling-Zhi (Chinese) or Reishi (Japanese) and as “the King of Herbs” contains over 200 Nutraceutical and 50 Nutritional properties, the highest known in any one herb or plant. The cells in our body use these to help the natural balancing and maintenance required for good health.

Inside the Mouth  
     A healthy mouth has no ulcers, tooth decay, gum disease, loose teeth, or plaque. Only a small amount of Ganozhi paste is needed FOR GOOD MOUTH HYGIENE. (Unlike some commercial toothpastes, this  DOES NOT CONTAIN Fluoride, Aluminium Dioxide, Aspartame (Saccharin), Phenylalanine or Potassium Nitrate.) IT CONTAINS: Ganoderma, vegetable gel, menthol, peppermint oil and water.

      May be used directly from the tube as a paste on any skin condition: Apply twice daily or as required until you get results.

     Ganoderma Toothpase may be used for Pain Relief on: Muscles, Throat, Chest etc. Simply apply a warm damp cloth to any area in pain (to open up the pores) and then apply a small amount of paste.
Ganoderma Toothpase may also be used Insect bites, chafes, burns, sunburn, cuts, mouth ulcers, scratches and most skin conditions. Some people may have temporary reddening effect in some areas (eg: facial).

Thursday, September 22, 2011

My Fashion 102

   This shot was taken by my friend Mags. It was taken at DLSU-D. If I'm not mistaken this was taken during our first semester. I bought the dress from Karimadon. I got the shoes from Janilyn at ATC. 

My Fashion 101

   This was taken at Kimbery Hotel by my friend France. I got the dress from People are People. I bought the Lace Blazer at SM Department Store. I got my shoes from Charles and Keith. The white ring was made by me.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bad breath, Dry and Irritated throat?

          Bring your confidence in you when you communicate with others. DXN brings you an innovative icy cool candy that will stop your cough, dissolve you phlegm and ease your dry and irritated throat. It will make your breathe fresh and you will feel like you always brushed your teeth. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fight Diseases in Natural Way!

          Health Trouble? You don't have to worry anymore we got solution for that. Introducing BIG 8 Food Supplements. This food supplement will help you to prevent and get recovered from  your diseases such as Cancer, Skin Rashes, Menstrual Cramps, Menopausal Problems, High Blood Pressure, Hypertension, Hematoma, Nasal Problems,Urination Difficulties, Frequent Urination, Arthritis, Rheumatism, Gastric Hyperactivity, Peptic Ulcer, Impotency, Chronic Hepatitis, Food Poisoning,Liver Cirrhosis, Varicose Veins, Renal Diseases, Tuberculosis, Constipation, Bronchitis, Migraine, Sinusitis, Obesity, Aging, Asthma, Diabetes, Kidney Stones, Snake Bite, Athlete's Foot, and more. It has no side effect. It has 4Million Ringgit Insurance. This  Food Supplement Brand had reached 158 Countries worldwide.

(From left to right)Lions Mane,Bee Pollen,Spirulina, RG,GL, Roselle,Andro-G and Cordyceps

          These products will help you to improve your diseases. It is proven. These products are insured and imported from Malaysia. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Frutti Froyo

   Me and my friend  had a nice experience with Frutti Froyo at Westgate,Alabang. The space were big and they have free water. I like the Ambiance, it was so refreshing. There are a lot of choices compared to other yogurt store. The staff were nice. It wasn't that crowded. The place are not so convenient because as far as I know there are no jeep passing on that place.